Grußbotschaft der Subregion Zentraleuropa
Liebe Pfadfinderbrüder und Pfadfinderschwestern in der Subregion Zentraleuropa und darüber hinaus,
zum Weltfreundschaftstag 2022 senden wir euch allen unsere besten Grüße.
In dieser Zeit, da ein gewissenloser Diktator unermessliches Leid über sein Nachbarland gebracht hat, ist es umso erfreulicher, dass unsere große Pfadfinderfamilie helfend zusammensteht und ohne Wenn und Aber solidarisch den Opfern dieses Krieges, die ihre Heimat verlassen mussten, alle notwendige und mögliche Hilfe leistet.
In diesem Sinne bitten wir euch, bei euren Anstrengungen nicht nachzulassen.
We send to all of You our best greetings.
In a time, where an unscrupulous dictator has brought immense harm over his neighbour country, it is most pleasing, that our big scout and guides family stands helping together to give without „if’s and bt’s“ in solidarity all necessary and possible help to the victims of this war, they had been forced to leave their country.In this sense we beg you, not to stop your efforts.
Gut Pfad – Be Prepared
Teresa Tarkowska-Dudek (Präsidentin), Hans Slanec (Vize-Präsident), Rainer Nalazek (Geschäftsführer/Sekretär), Bernhard Müller (Schatzmeister), Liliana Sotelo (Vertretung im Europakomitee)
Grußbotschaft des Weltverbandes ISGF
Fellowship, the meaning of the word is friendship, to belong to something valuable, a group of people with the same purpose and values, community of interest, feeling, activities or experience.
It is possible to go on to define this powerful word of FELLOWSHIP.
The family of ISGF is joined in Fellowship. Some of us have been in scouting from early age and some have decided to join later on in life.
No matter how it started as we have all chosen to belong to a Fellowship whether it is big or small. We all belong to a local group with close friends, then those local guilds belong to a National Scout and Guide Fellowship (NSGF) in every country.
NSGF’s belong to a Sub Region and they belong to a Region that together makes the structure of ISGF.
There is a saying that no chain is stronger than its weakest link. It is therefore we all must do our utmost to keep the structure and strength of our organization.
All over the world we are facing the fact that Mother Nature is reminding us to protect and preserve what has been given to us.
Environmental issues are highly addressed, in many places where people are living with the hardship of war and persecution.
Look into your local group and think about who you are and what you can offer to others.Remember the values that made us a member of ISGF that we have become today. Let’s look forward and remember to do our best to leave this world a better place than it was when we arrived.
Wish you all a good Fellowship Day.
Elin Richards
Chairman ISGF World Committee
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